Kub-muag Handheld Laser Ntxuav Tshuab Cw 1000W 1500W Jpt Raycus Fiber Laser Xeb Tshem Tawm Tshuab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Pulsed fiber ntau laser tu tshuab yog siv laser-tsim kev co lub hauv paus ntsiab lus los ntxuav lub workpiece, lub nto puas rau lub workpiece yog heev me me, thaum lub tsoos laser ntxuav tshuab tshuab yog siv nanosecond los yog picosecond pulsed laser irradiation los ntxuav workpiece. nto, ua rau lub workpiece nto nyob rau hauv lub instant absorption ntawm tsom laser lub zog, tsim kom sai expanding plasma (highly ionized unstable gas), kom cov nto ntawm cov roj, xeb me ntsis, plua plav slag, txheej, oxide los yog zaj duab xis txheej vaporization los yog stripping

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Tsis muaj teeb meem tshiab los yog tus neeg yuav khoom qub, Peb ntseeg hais tias nyob rau hauv ntev kev qhia thiab kev sib raug zoo rau Kub-muag Handheld Laser Ntxuav Tshuab Cw 1000W 1500W Jpt Raycus Fiber Laser Xeb Tshem Tawm Tshuab, We're not contented with the present achievements but we have been trying ideal los tsim kho tshiab kom tau raws li tus neeg yuav khoom ntau qhov kev xav tau ntawm tus kheej. Txawm hais tias koj yuav los ntawm qhov twg los, peb nyob ntawm no tos koj hom thov, thiab txais tos tuaj rau peb lub Hoobkas. Xaiv peb, koj tuaj yeem ua tiav koj tus neeg muag khoom txaus siab.
Tsis hais tus neeg yuav khoom tshiab lossis tus neeg yuav khoom qub, Peb ntseeg hais tias ntev thiab kev sib raug zoo rau kev ntseeg siabTuam Tshoj Laser Ntxuav Tshuab Cw 1000W 1500W thiab 1.5kw Fiber Xeb Laser Ntxuav Tshuab, Peb tseem yuav mob siab rau peb tus kheej rau kev lag luam & kev tsim khoom thiab tsim kom muaj kev pabcuam zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom los tsim kom muaj kev vam meej yav tom ntej. Nco ntsoov koj tiv tauj peb hnub no kom paub seb peb tuaj yeem ua haujlwm li cas.


Laser zog

100W / 200W / 500W

Laser qhov chaw hom

Raycus, IPG rau kev xaiv

Laser wavelength

1064nm ua

Txoj kev txias

Dej txias

Cov dej txias

Deionized dej

Dej kub

18-22 ° C

Luam theej duab dav

10-60 hli

Pab gas

Compressed cua / Nitrogen

Cua siab

0.5-0.8 MPa

Xaiv cov khoom siv ntxiv

Handheld / Manipulator

Kev ua haujlwm

5-40 ° C



  1. Lub laser tu kom meej rau txoj haujlwm thiab qhov loj.
  2. Kev ua haujlwm yooj yim rau cov khoom ua haujlwm nrog kev tsim kho geometric nyuaj tuaj yeem pom tau los ntawm tes tuav laser ntxuav lub taub hau.
  3. Dav siv nyob rau hauv tiaj tus, nkhaus thiab peb-dimensional nto rau ua hauj lwm piece ntawm elastic cov ntaub ntawv thiab yas nrog heev me me thiab tob qhov.
  4. Safe & ib puag ncig-phooj ywg. Tsis siv tshuaj detergent lossis lwm yam khoom siv
  5. Kev ntxuav tsis sib cuag thiab tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj rau substrate heev.
  6. Yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam, nrog hom portable thiab tuaj yeem nruab nrog cov neeg hlau rau kev ntxuav tsis siv neeg
  7. Tsis muaj kev saib xyuas thiab tsis muaj khoom siv, tsis muaj plua plav, tsis muaj tshuaj lom neeg, tsis muaj kuab paug.
  8. Tus nqi tu qis thiab kev tu siab heev.


Hlau nto xeb tshem tawm
Nto xim tu
Deg roj stain / paug tu
Txheej txheej ntxuav
Vuam / txheej txheej ua ntej kho
Pob zeb daim duab nto plua plav & txuas tu
Yas pwm residue ntxuav




Qhov sib txawv ntawm kev txuas ntxiv laser thiab pulse laser tu:
Tom qab pulsed lub teeb tu, cov xim txheej ntawm cov qauv raug tshem tawm tag nrho, thiab qhov saum npoo ntawm cov qauv tshwm. Nws yog xim hlau dawb, thiab yuav luag tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj rau cov qauv substrate. Tom qab ntxuav nrog lub teeb tas li, cov xim txheej ntawm cov qauv raug tshem tawm tag nrho, tab sis qhov saum npoo ntawm cov qauv tshwm grey-dub, thiab cov substrate ntawm cov qauv kuj pom micro-melting. Yog li ntawd, kev siv lub teeb txuas ntxiv yuav ua rau muaj kev puas tsuaj rau lub substrate ntau dua li lub teeb ci.
Ob leeg nruam laser thiab pulsed laser tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov xim ntawm cov khoom siv kom ua tiav cov nyhuv ntawm kev ntxuav. Nyob rau hauv tib lub hwj chim tej yam kev mob, kev tu efficiency ntawm pulsed lasers yog ntau dua li ntawm tas mus li lasers. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, cov lasers pulsed tuaj yeem tswj tau cov cua sov kom zoo los tiv thaiv qhov kub ntawm cov substrate lossis micro-melting.
Nruam lasers muaj qhov zoo dua ntawm tus nqi, thiab qhov sib txawv ntawm kev ua haujlwm nrog cov lasers tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm kev siv lub zog lasers, tab sis lub teeb muaj zog txuas ntxiv muaj ntau dua cov cua sov, thiab kev puas tsuaj rau lub substrate kuj yuav nce ntxiv. Yog li ntawd, muaj qhov sib txawv ntawm ob qho tib si hauv kev siv scenarios. Rau cov ntawv thov nrog siab precision, nruj tswj qhov kub thiab txias ntawm lub substrate, thiab tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj substrates, xws li pwm, pulsed lasers yuav tsum tau xaiv. Rau qee cov qauv hlau loj, cov kav dej, thiab lwm yam, vim tias qhov ntim loj thiab cov cua sov sai sai, cov kev xav tau rau kev puas tsuaj rau substrate tsis siab, thiab cov lasers txuas ntxiv tuaj yeem xaiv tau.
Qhov zoo ntawm pulsed lasers:
Pulsed lasers tsim kom muaj cua sov tsawg, thaum lub lasers txuas ntxiv ua kom muaj cua sov ntau dua, uas yog vim li cas lub zog lasers siv pulses. Pulsed lasers tuaj yeem ua rau lub tshuab hluav taws xob laser so intermittently, thaum lub zog txuas ntxiv tuaj yeem ua rau lub laser tsis tu ncua thiab tsis cuam tshuam. ua hauj lwm, nws yog ib qho yooj yim kom luv lub neej ntawm lub laser generator.




Tsis muaj teeb meem tshiab los yog tus neeg yuav khoom qub, Peb ntseeg hais tias nyob rau hauv ntev kev qhia thiab kev sib raug zoo rau Kub-muag Handheld Laser Ntxuav Tshuab Cw 1000W 1500W Jpt Raycus Fiber Laser Xeb Tshem Tawm Tshuab, We're not contented with the present achievements but we have been trying ideal los tsim kho tshiab kom tau raws li tus neeg yuav khoom ntau qhov kev xav tau ntawm tus kheej. Txawm hais tias koj yuav los ntawm qhov twg los, peb nyob ntawm no tos koj hom thov, thiab txais tos tuaj rau peb lub Hoobkas. Xaiv peb, koj tuaj yeem ua tiav koj tus neeg muag khoom txaus siab.
Kub muagTuam Tshoj Laser Ntxuav Tshuab Cw 1000W 1500W thiab 1.5kw Fiber Xeb Laser Ntxuav Tshuab, Peb tseem yuav mob siab rau peb tus kheej rau kev lag luam & kev tsim khoom thiab tsim kom muaj kev pabcuam zoo rau peb cov neeg siv khoom los tsim kom muaj kev vam meej yav tom ntej. Nco ntsoov koj tiv tauj peb hnub no kom paub seb peb tuaj yeem ua haujlwm li cas.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb